Saturday, March 19, 2016

Oh so Granola

Summertime is on it's way, folks. As far as it may seem, one more school year quarter will fly by. And with summer coming, all kinds of opportunities for hiking and camping and all that summer jazz that we love. And so, though we're all about busting stereotypes, it is pretty fun to look at what makes a hipster turn....

Or in this case, what makes granola a style and not breakfast? :)

Here's a top checklist if you're looking to be granola this summer.

1) Find some chacos

These are definitely a must for those Colorado hiking trails. Plus, they're super comfy and much better for your feet than foam flipflops. Just maybe check your local thrift stores, cause these sure don't come cheap. 

2) Kavu. 

Yep, your purse won't cut it if you're going for the hipster/hiker vibe. Not only does the cross-body add a "happy trails" feel, but these are also remarkably convenient and a quality find if you check the right places. JC Penney seems to sell them a bit lower than the outlet. 
                                       But seriously, I doubt you'd regret one of these. Pack it with some all-natural peanut butter and a pathfinder hat, and you'll be going strong.

3) Colorado logos

I know, some of the rather uppity coloradoans can be a bit hard to swallow, but their home state is nearly synonymous with granola style. Climb a 14ner or summit the incline, and grab a shirt or sticker to prove it. Than stick that on your pathfinder car.

4) Kombucha

Not that necessary, but definitely adds to the all natural vibe. It does take some getting used to though. :)

Synergy is the most 'official' brand, but I've heard lots of praise for Clearly Kombucha as well.

5) Last but perhaps most important, embrace that free spirit "go with it" mentality. This is at the core of hipster and granola culture.

And for good measure, throw on a pair of cargo shorts and a drawstring hat. 

{Happy Spring to all}

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  1. Thank you, google+ for recommending this post! I don't know how you knew I would like it, but I did! :) Dying laughing because we affectionately call this stereotype, "granola eaters," and you described it to a "t" :)

    1. Thank you so much Beth! Sorry it took me so long to reply...thanks for reading!
